Free online Wordcloud generator

※ Download: Word cloud generator excel

In the example workbook shown above and posted for download below , the algorithm needs 2 to 3 seconds to update the word cloud. Go back to your excel sheet and select a 2 columned data table and run the createCloud macro.

For instance, the word cloud below shows which countries visitors to this website have come from. Use the following procedure to enable the macro, if you have verified you can trust the source of the unsigned macro: Select the Tools menu option and then select Macro and Security. You will definitely distort the display of the word cloud by resizing. Click Trust this add-in.

Free online Wordcloud generator - After pressing any button on color selection window, a code will run in the background and generate a word cloud in the gray area of Generator sheet based on your selection. Just right-click again, and this time choose Copy.

In this article I outline what word clouds are, walk you through how to create them and discuss just a few of the many ways in which word clouds might be utilised. What are word clouds? Word clouds are simply a way of visually displaying a bunch of text as a shape. Usually that shape is a cloud, although plenty of word cloud generators such as now let you choose different shapes like a square, love heart or even. The frequency or importance of each word or phrase within the text is usually shown by its size. The more a word or phrase occurs in the text, the larger it will be within the word cloud. For instance, the word cloud at the beginning of this article was generated using by examining the text for all UX for the masses articles. How do I create word clouds? Creating word clouds is ridiculously easy as there are loads of out there. Two that I can certainly recommend are and. Both allow you to copy and paste in text to create a word cloud, or to use an RSS feed. There is also a worksheet for utilising the that allow you to specify the colour for individual words and phrases for the more hardcore word clouders out there. As an example of the sort of thing you can do the word cloud below shows the most popular Google searches that have resulted in visitors coming to this website. Most popular inbound Google searches for this website word cloud generated using Wordle To show user feedback Word clouds are great for showing user feedback, such as survey and interview results assuming a good sample size, such as more than 20 participants. To show product usage information Word clouds can also be used to show product usage information, such as how often features are used, or how popular content is on a website. For instance the word cloud below shows the various articles on this website by popularity determined by number of views. Articles on this website by number of views word cloud generated using Tagxedo To show user information Why not show information about users or their using word clouds? For instance, the word cloud below shows which countries visitors to this website have come from. The larger the user story, the more important it is to users. For example, the word cloud below shows some possible user stories for an ecommerce website.


Let us help you with data visualization. Go back to your excel sheet and select a 2 columned data table and run the createCloud macro. Once you are done altering the appearance of your cloud, save the image to your computer, put it on a web page, or send a link to a friend. You can select a font, color scheme, layout, case, and importantly, the size of the world cloud that you want to generate. Here is a sample word cloud generated with Shuffle button: You can download this word cloud generator to use it or to check VBA codes inside. Its realy helping me in my work.